Ph 1300 800 558

Electricity Supply Industry Recognised Training 

UETTDRMP001 Apply access authority procedures to work on or near electrical apparatus

UETDRMP001 Apply access authority procedures to work on or near electrical apparatus

Course Currency Status: (Release 1) Current

Course Overview: This course is designed to equip workers with the skills and knowledge to gain access a Distribution Supply Authority Network.

Access may be required for works on or near electrical network infrastructure in the context of transmission, distribution or rail work functions.

It encompasses responsibilities for safety and risk management processes at all operative levels and adherence to safety practices as part of the normal way of doing work

Target Audience: Telco, Electrical Contractors and supply industry workers who are required to access a Distribution Network Supply Authority Network

Entry Requirements/What to Bring: Participants must provide a USI number on enrolment and provide photographic identification on enrolment. Participants must provide and wear their own PPE for this course. This course contains safety critical information requiring participants have the ability to read, write and understand English and basic calculations

Pre-requisites:There are no prerequisite competencies to this unit.

Delivery Mode: This course may be delivered by face to face delivery or blended learning

Duration: Initial Training: 4hrs.                     Renewal Training: 2hrs

Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding of rules/codes of practice for work on or near electrical hazards and risk control measures for specific work areas and work activities
  • Access to documentation, roles, responsibilities and procedures for a permit to work system
  • Access authority/work permit document for a specific work activity according to established procedures
  • Safe approach distances (SAD) and safety measures applicable to the work activity according to established procedures
  • Sign on and sign off procedures for an access authority/work permit document
  • Workplace procedures to cancel or suspend an access authority/work permit document
  • Workplace communication procedures to confirm work is completed or suspended
  • Workplace procedures for signing on to a specific role/function identified on an access authority/work permit
  • Application of relevant work health and safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS) requirements, including the use of risk control measures
  • Following workplace procedures for signing on to and off from an access authority/work permit.

Assessment: Assessment is a combination of written questions/answers and practical demonstrations

On Completion: Upon successful completion, participants will be issued with a nationally accredited Statement of Attainment for UETTDRRF09 Apply access procedures to work on or near electrical network infrastructure

Cost: $150.00 per participant

Training Dates: Courses arrange on demand

Contact Us to Find Out More: If you are looking for or have gained employment that requires additional skills and knowledge then contact the friendly staff at Intuitive Training. Call 1300 800 558 or (07) 2800 6400 or send us a message from our contact page and we can further discuss enrolling you in our electrical courses.

UETDRMP002 ESI safety rules for work on, near or in the vicinity of electrical apparatus

UETDRMP002 ESI safety rules for work on, near or in the vicinity of electrical apparatus

Course Currency Status: (Release 1) Current

Course Overview: This course covers the knowledge and application of Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) safety rules and codes of practice for work on or near electrical apparatus. It includes the application of relevant State and Territory safety rules, codes of practice and enterprise based procedures and how they apply in the context of transmission, distribution or rail work functions. It encompasses responsibilities for health, safety and risk management processes at all operative levels, and adherence to safety practices as part of the normal way of doing work.

Target Audience: Workers who are required to perform work on or near to overhead or underground electric lines in accordance with electricity distribution network requirtements. This could include safety observers / spotters required to work safely up to the defined safe approach distance near energised electrical apparatus (including electrical powerlines).

Entry Requirements/ What to Bring: Participants must provide a USI number on enrolment and provide photographic identification on enrolment. Participants must provide and wear their own PPE for this course This course contains safety critical information requiring participants have the ability to read, write and understand English and basic calculations.

Pre-requisites: Nil.

Delivery Mode: This course may be delivered by face to face delivery or blended learning

Duration: Initial Training: 4hrs                    Renewal Training: 2hrs

Learning Outcomes

  • Electrical Safety Rules
  • WHS Act and Implications
  • Codes of Practice
  • Hazard and risk control measures
  • Requirement for Access Authorities
  • Safe Approach Distances to high and low voltage apparatus in regards to practical demonstrations.
    • Personal clearances (Normal and Special)
    • Vehicles
    • Mobile plant
    • Insulated Mobile Plant
    • Role and responsibility of the “Safety Observer”
    • Personal Protective Safety Equipment

Assessment: Assessment is a combination of written questions/answers and practical demonstrations

Upon Completion: Upon successful completion, participants will be issued with a nationally accredited Statement of Attainment for UETDRMP002 Apply ESI safety rules, codes of practice and procedures for work on or near electrical apparatus

Cost: $250.00 per participant

Training Dates: Courses arranged on demand

Contact us to Find Out More: If you are looking for or have gained employment that requires skills and knowledge to understand ESI Network Safety Rules, then contact the friendly staff at Intuitive Training Call 1300 800 558 or (07) 2800 6400 or send us a message from our contact page and we can further discuss enrolling you in our electrical courses.

There are currently no openings available for this course.
UETDRMP009 Perform tower rescue

UETDRMP009 Perform tower rescue

Course Currency Status: (Release 1) Current 

Course Overview: This course is designed for Transmission workers who are required to act as Safety Observers/ Rescuers of injured personnel from a tower structure.

It includes the organisational workplace requirements for the inspection and use of tower rescue equipment, and how it applies to ESI workers to meet work health and safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS), mobility and mutual aid requirements.

Target Audience: Transmission workers performing works or acting as Safety observers / Authorised persons / Spotters where works are being performed up to the defined safe approach distance near energised electrical apparatus (transmission towers).

Entry Requirements/What to Bring: Participants must provide a USI number on enrolment and provide photographic identification on enrolment. Participants must provide and wear their own PPE for this course. This course contains safety critical information requiring participants have the ability to read, write and understand English and basic calculations. 


HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation


UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace


CPCCLDG3001 Licence to perform dogging

CPCCLRG3001 Licence to perform rigging basic level


Delivery Mode: This course may be delivered by face to face delivery or blended learning

Duration: Initial Training: 2 Days                    Renewal Training: 1 Day  

Learning Outcomes: At the completion of this unit of competency, you should be able to demonstrate the ability to:   

Types and application of PPE

Organisational procedures for tower rescue including:

  • inspection and placement of rescue equipment
  • assessment and control hazards to rescuer, casualty and others
  • isolation procedures, where appropriate
  • safe approach distances (SAD) appropriate to tower rescue
  • assessment of situation
  • activation of emergency response
  • tower access
  • attachment of rescue equipment
  • lowering casualty safely to ground
  • removal of casualty to safe location
  • assessment of casualty
  • incident site security
  • reporting requirements.

Assessment: Assessment is a combination of written questions/answers and practical demonstrations. 

On Completion: Participants will be issued with a nationally accredited Statement of Attainment for UETDRMP009 Perform Tower Rescue

Cost: Initial Training: $375.00 per participant                    Renewal Training: $.    per participant                      

Training Dates: Course dates arranged on demand. (Group bookings available on request)

Contact Us to Find Out More: If you are looking for or have gained employment that requires skills and knowledge to work safely near overhead powerlines then contact the friendly staff at Intuitive Training. Call 1300 800 558 or (07) 2800 6400 or send us a message from our contact page and we can further discuss enrolling you in our electrical courses. 

UETDRMP010 Provide first aid in an ESI environment

UETDRMP010 Provide first aid in an ESI environment

Course Currency Status: (Release 1) Current

Course Overview: This course is designed to equip workers with the skills and knowledge to provide first aid in an electricity supply industry (ESI) environment. It includes the recognition and provision of an initial response where first aid is required in emergency situations by providing essential first aid using basic life support measures according to established workplace first aid policies and procedures

Target Audience: Telco, Electrical Contractors and supply industry workers who are required to access a Distribution Network Supply Authority Network

Entry Requirements/What to Bring: Participants must provide a USI number on enrolment and provide photographic identification on enrolment. Participants must provide and wear their own PPE for this course. This course contains safety critical information requiring participants have the ability to read, write and understand English and basic calculations

Pre-requisites: HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Delivery Mode: This course may be delivered by face to face delivery or blended learning

Duration: Initial Training: 4hrs.                     Renewal Training: 2hrs

Learning Outcomes:

  • Provision of first aid in an emergency situation
  • Assessing hazards to rescuer, victim and others
  • Involvement of external emergency services
  • Treatment of electrical burns, shock, bites, stings, bleeding and electric shock
  • Controlling hazards to rescuer, victim and others
  • Using available first aid equipment and resources
  • Injury management using first aid principles
  • Application of relevant work health and safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS) requirements, including the use of risk control measures
  • Checking site for danger to self, victim and others

Completing the management of:

  • electrical burns
  • bites or stings
  • shock
  • bleeding
  • electrical shock
  • monitoring and managing victim
  • raising alarm with emergency services

Assessment: Assessment is a combination of written questions/answers and practical demonstrations

On Completion: Upon successful completion, participants will be issued with a nationally accredited Statement of Attainment for UETDRMP010 Provide first aid in an ESI environment

Cost: $150.00 per participant

Training Dates: Courses arrange on demand

Contact Us to Find Out More: If you are looking for or have gained employment that requires additional skills and knowledge then contact the friendly staff at Intuitive Training. Call 1300 800 558 or (07) 2800 6400 or send us a message from our contact page and we can further discuss enrolling you in our electrical courses

UETDREL006 Working safely near live electrical apparatus as a non-electrical worker

UETDREL006 – Working safely near live electrical apparatus as a non-electrical worker 

Course Currency Status: (Release 1) Current 

Course Overview: This course is designed for non electrical workers who are required to operate or observe the operation of cranes, plant and hand held tools in the vicinity of live overhead power lines and associated electrical apparatus in accordance with industry and electricity network owner requirements. 

Target Audience: Non Electrical workers required perform works or act as Safety observers / Authorised persons / Spotters where works are being performed up to the defined safe approach distance near energised electrical apparatus (including electrical powerlines) as non electrical workers  

Entry Requirements/What to Bring: Participants must provide a USI number on enrolment and provide photographic identification on enrolment. Participants must provide and wear their own PPE for this course. This course contains safety critical information requiring participants have the ability to read, write and understand English and basic calculations. 

Prerequisites: Nil   

Delivery Mode: This course may be delivered by face to face delivery or blended learning

Duration: Initial Training: 2 Days                    Renewal Training: 1 Day  

Learning Outcomes: At the completion of this unit of competency, you should be able to demonstrate the ability to:   

  • Understand relevant legislation, regulations, standards, codes of practice and organisational workplace requirements
  • Conduct hazard, risk assessment and risk control requirements, including potential hazards
  • The types and application of PPE
  • Safe use of plant, tools and equipment
  • Understand the purpose and types of work permits and when to apply them
  • Recognise events constituting an unplanned event or incident
  • Apply procedures for responding to an unplanned event or incident
  • Understand the roles, responsibilities and communication methods used by a Safety Observer

Understand basic electrical principles including:

  • voltage, current and resistance
  • typical effects of current, including physiological effects and induced voltages
  • consequences of short circuits, including arc flash and touch and step potentials
  • electricity network construction and components
  • terminology related to working safely in the vicinity of live electrical apparatus.

Assessment: Assessment is a combination of written questions/answers and practical demonstrations. 

On Completion: Participants will be issued with a nationally accredited Statement of Attainment for 

  • UETDREL006 – Working Safely Near Live Electrical Apparatus as a Non-Electrical Worker 

Cost: Initial Training: $375.00 per participant                    Renewal Training: $150.00 per participant                      

Training Dates: Course dates arranged on demand. (Group bookings available on request)

Contact Us to Find Out More: If you are looking for or have gained employment that requires skills and knowledge to work safely near overhead powerlines then contact the friendly staff at Intuitive Training. Call 1300 800 558 or (07) 2800 6400 or send us a message from our contact page and we can further discuss enrolling you in our electrical courses. 

There are currently no openings available for this course.

UETDRRF003 - Perform pole top rescue

UETDRRF003 – Perform pole top rescue

Course Currency Status: (Release 1) Superseded

Course Overview This course is designed to equip workers who operate as a safety observer/rescue person in the electrical industry with the knowledge and skills of current legislation, their basic duty of care, understanding and management of risks arising when an above ground worker requires a rescue. Training sessions will include procedures, controls and emergency response requirements for those hazards present when performing pole top rescue.

Target Audience: Telco, Electrical Contractors and NBN workers who are required to operate as safety observers and may be required to perform a pole top rescue in an emergency situation. 

Entry Requirements/What to Bring: Participants must provide a USI number on enrolment and provide photographic identification on enrolment. Participants must provide and wear their own PPE for this course. This course contains safety critical information requiring participants have the ability to read, write and understand English and basic calculations

Pre-requisites: HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation 

Delivery Mode: This course may be delivered by face to face delivery or blended learning

Duration: Intial training 4hrs         Renewal Training: 2 hrs

Learning Outcomes:

  • Pole Top Rescue equipment
  • Rescue preparation
  • Climbing the pole
  • Freeing the casualty
  • Preparation for lowering the casualty
  • Lowering the casualty
  • Descent from the pole top
  • Preparation for resuscitation
  • Safety issues related to working at heights are covered, from how forces are generated in falls to correct selection and use of anchor points and height safety equipment 

Assessment: Assessment is a combination of written questions/answers and practical demonstrations

On Completion: Upon successful completion, participants will be issued with a nationally accredited Statement of Attainment for UETDRRF003 – Perform pole top rescue

Cost: $150.00 per participant

Training Dates: Course dates arranged on demand.

Contact Us to Find Out More: If you are looking for or have gained employment that requires skills and knowledge to perform pole top rescue then contact the friendly staff at Intuitive Training. Call 1300 800 558 or (07) 2800 6400 send us a message from our contact page and we can further discuss enrolling you in our course

UETDRRF002 Perform EWP rescue

UETDRRF002 Perform EWP rescue 

Course Currency Status: (Release 2) Superseded

Course Overview: This course is designed to equip workers who operate as safety observers/ rescue persons in the electrical industry with the knowledge and skills of current legislation, their basic duty of care, understanding and management of risks arising when an above ground worker requires a rescue from an EWP.

Training sessions will include procedures, controls and emergency response requirements for those hazards present when performing Elevating work platform rescue.

Target Audience: Telco, Electrical Contractors and NBN workers who are required to operate as safety observers and may be required to perform pole top rescue in an emergency situation.

Entry Requirements/What to Bring: Participants must provide a USI number on enrolment and provide photographic identification on enrolment. Participants must provide and wear their own PPE for this course. This course contains safety critical information requiring participants have the ability to read, write and understand English and basic calculations

Prerequisites: HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Delivery Mode: This course may be delivered by face to face delivery or blended learning

Duration: Initial Traning 4hrs.        Renewal Training: 2 hrs

Learning Outcomes:

  • EWP types
  • EWP controls
  • Rescue scenarios
  • Rescue preparation
  • Step and touch potential
  • Accessing the EWP
  • Releasing and lowering the victim
  • Preparation for resuscitation
  • Safety issues related to working at heights are covered, from how forces are generated in falls to correct selection and use of anchor points and height safety equipment

Assessment: Assessment is a combination of written questions/answers and practical demonstrations

On Completion: Upon successful completion, participants will be issued with a nationally accredited Statement of Attainment for UETDRRF002 Perform EWP rescue. 

Cost: $165.00 per participant

Training Dates: Course dates arranged on demand.

Contact Us to Find Out More:

If you are looking for or have gained employment that requires skills and knowledge to perform EWP rescue then contact the friendly staff at Intuitive Training.

Call 1300 800 558 or (07) 2800 6400 or send us a message from our contact page and we can further discuss enrolling you in our electrical courses

UETDRRF004 Perform rescue from a live LV panel

UETDRRF004 Perform rescue from a live LV panel

Course Currency Status: (Release 1) Superseded

Course Overview: This course is designed to equip workers who operate as safety observers/ rescue persons in the electrical industry with the knowledge and skills of current legislation, their basic duty of care, understanding and management of risks arising when a worker requires a rescue from a live LV panel.

Training sessions will include procedures, controls and emergency response requirements for those hazards present when performing a rescue from a live LV panel.

Target Audience: Telco, Electrical Contractors and supply industry workers who are required to operate as safety observers and may be required to perform a rescue from a live LV panel in an emergency situation.

Entry Requirements/What to Bring: Participants must provide a USI number on enrolment and provide photographic identification on enrolment. Participants must provide and wear their own PPE for this course. This course contains safety critical information requiring participants have the ability to read, write and understand English and basic calculations

Pre-requisites: HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Delivery Mode: This course may be delivered by face to face delivery or blended learning

Duration: Intial training 4hrs         Renewal Training: 2 hrs

Learning Outcomes

Emergency Procedures for the rescue of a victim from a live LV Panel

  • Understanding of Electrical Safety Obligations
  • Safely Plan a job involving Low Voltage Conductors
  • Risk assessment
  • Inspection of rescue equipment
  • Assessing  and controllling hazards to the rescuer, victim and others
  • Isolation procedures, where appropriate
  • Safe Approach Distances SAD appropriate to rescue form a live LV panel
  • Involvement of external emergency services
  • Placement of LV rescue kit
  • Maintaining SADS when performing a rescue
  • Removing victim to a place of safety

Assessment: Assessment is a combination of written questions/answers and practical demonstrations

On Completion: Upon successful completion, participants will be issued with a nationally accredited Statement of Attainment for UETDRRF004 Perform rescue from a live LV panel

Cost: $150.00 per participant 

Training Dates: Courses arranged on demand

Contact Us to Find Out More: If you are looking for or have gained employment that requires skills and knowledge to perform a rescue from a live LV panel then contact the friendly staff at Intuitive Training. Call 1300 800 558 or (07) 2800 6400 or send us a message from our contact page and we can further discuss enrolling you in our electrical courses 

UETDRMP004 Perform elevated work platform controlled descent escape

UETDRMP004 Perform elevated work platform controlled descent escape

Course Currency Status: (Release 1) Current

Course Overview This course is designed to equip workers who operate as safety observers/rescue persons in the electrical industry with the knowledge and skills of current legislation, their basic duty of care, understanding and management of risks arising when a worker is required to Perform EWP controlled decent escape.

Training sessions will include procedures, controls and emergency response requirements for those hazards present when escaping from an EWP basket in an emergency situation

Target Audience: Telco, Electrical Contractors and supply industry workers who are required to operate EWP’s to access their work area and may be required to escape from an EWP basket in an emergency situation.

Entry Requirements/What to Bring: Participants must provide a USI number on enrolment and provide photographic identification on enrolment. Participants must provide and wear their own PPE for this course. This course contains safety critical information requiring participants have the ability to read, write and understand English and basic calculations

Pre-requisites: There are no prerequisite competencies to this unit.

Delivery Mode: This course may be delivered by face to face delivery or blended learning

Duration: Initial Training: 4hrs.                     Renewal Training: 2hrs

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand Electrical Safety Obligations
  • Safely Plan a job involving Low Voltage Conductors
  • Risk assessments
  • EWP types
  • EWP controls
  • Escape scenarios
  • Preparing to escape
  • Step and touch potential
  • Exiting the EWP basket safely
  • Releasing and lowering yourself to the ground
  • Safety issues related to working at heights are covered, from how forces are generated in falls to correct selection and use of anchor points and height safety equipment

Assessment: Assessment is a combination of written questions/answers and practical demonstrations

On Completion: Upon successful completion, participants will be issued with a nationally accredited Statement of Attainment for UETDRMP004 Perform elevated work platform controlled descent escape

Cost: $150.00 per participant

Training Dates: Courses arrange on demand

Contact Us to Find Out More: If you are looking for or have gained employment that requires skills and knowledge to escape from an EWP then contact the friendly staff at Intuitive Training. Call 1300 800 558 or (07) 2800 6400 or send us a message from our contact page and we can further discuss enrolling you in our electrical courses

There are currently no openings available for this course.
UETDRMP011 Testing of connections to low voltage electricity networks

UETDRMP011 Testing of connections to low voltage electricity networks

Course Currency Status: (Release 1) Current

Course Overview: This course is designed to equip workers with the skills and knowledge to perform testing of connections to low voltage (LV) electricity networks according to AS 4741-2010 Testing of connections to electricity networks.

It specifies the mandatory requirements for testing when connecting and/or reconnecting a customer’s installation to an electricity supply network.

It encompasses the minimum principles and tests required to confirm that the LV supply connections are correct

Target Audience: Electrical Contractors and supply industry workers who are required to test connections on low voltage (LV) electricity networks  

Entry Requirements/What to Bring: Participants must have a current electrical license or equivalent qualification and provide a USI number on enrolment and provide photographic identification on enrolment. Participants must have a current electrical license or equivalent, provide and wear their own PPE for this course. This course contains safety critical information requiring participants have the ability to read, write and understand English and basic calculations

Pre-requisites:There are no prerequisite competencies to this unit.

Delivery Mode: This course may be delivered by face to face delivery or blended learning

Duration: Initial Training: 16hrs.                     Renewal Training: 2hrs

Learning Outcomes:

  • Low voltage (LV) testing of network connections encompassing:
  • Correct selection and inspection of test equipment relevant for the testing procedures
  • Acceptable neutral voltage criteria
  • Polarity testing
  • Neutral integrity testing
  • Phase rotation testing
  • Phasing confirmation
  • Corrective actions to network operator’s procedures
  • Recording and reporting results to network operator’s procedures
  • Preparation and use of test equipment
  • Preparation and correct use of PPE
  • Testing of single phase and multi-phase connections to network operator’s procedures
  • Documenting test results to network operator’s procedures.

Assessment: Assessment is a combination of written questions/answers and practical demonstrations

On Completion: Upon successful completion, participants will be issued with a nationally accredited Statement of Attainment for UETDRMP011Testing of connections to low voltage electricity networks

Cost: $650.00 per participant

Training Dates: Courses arrange on demand

Contact Us to Find Out More: If you are looking for or have gained employment that requires additional skills and knowledge then contact the friendly staff at Intuitive Training. Call 1300 800 558 or (07) 2800 6400 or send us a message from our contact page and we can further discuss enrolling you in our electrical courses

There are currently no openings available for this course.
ESI New Worker Course

ESI New Worker Course

Course Currency Status: Current

Course Overview: This course is designed for participants who are entering the Electricity Supply Industry to operate or observe the operation of plant and equipment, use hand held tools in the vicinity of live overhead power lines and associated electrical apparatus in accordance with Network owner requirements.

Target Audience: New workers to the ESI industry including safety observers / spotters, construction and maintenance workers required to work safely up to the defined safe approach distance near energised electrical apparatus (including electrical powerlines) as non electrical workers.

Entry Requirements/What to Bring: Participants must provide a USI number on enrolment, provide photographic identification on enrolment. Participants must provide and wear their own PPE for this course. This course contains safety critical information requiring participants have the ability to read, write and understand English and basic calculations

Prerequisites: Nil

Delivery Mode: This course may be delivered by face to face delivery or blended learning

Duration: Initial Training: 2 days

Accredited Units of Competency included:

  • UETDREL006 Working safely near live electrical apparatus as a non-electrical worker (NSW Only)
  • UETDRRF003 Perform pole top rescue
  • UETDRRF002 Perform EWP rescue
  • UETDRMP004 Perform elevated work platform controlled decent escape (optional)
  • UETDRMP010 Provide first aid in an ESI environment
  • HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Non Accredited Modules available upon request:

  • T0911 Introduction to Electrical network Infrastructure for Authorised Persons
  • Pole Inspection for safe work
  • Ladder Handling

Learning Outcomes: At the completion of this unit of competency, you should be able to demonstrate:

  • Identify statutory acts and regulations and hazards associated with working or operating vehicles/plant, equipment and hand held tools near overhead power lines.
  • Identify ESI hardware and voltages used in the ESI environment.
  • Identify relevant clearances/ No Go Zones for various voltages found in the ESI environment.
  • Identify correct selection and understanding of clearance tables relevant to works being performed onsite.
  • Identify correct emergency procedures associated with working or operating vehicles/plant, equipment and hand held tools near overhead power lines.
  • Demonstrate CPR and apply a defibrillator, and perform a low voltage rescue.
  • Perform pole top rescue procedures to meet network owner requirements.
  • Perform a rescue of personnel from an EWP in the event of an accidenty or equipment failure.
  • Escape form an EWP in the event of an accident or equipment failure (optional).
  • Provide first aid procedures relevant to treat injuries consistent with electricity supply industry procedures.

Assessment: Assessment is a combination of written questions/answers and practical demonstrations.

On Completion: Participants will be issued with a nationally accredited Statement of Attainment for up to six (6) units of competency listed above.

Cost: Initial Training: $850.00 per participant                   

Group bookings available on request Training Dates: Courses arrange on demand

Contact Us to Find Out More: If you are looking for or have gained employment that requires skills and knowledge to access ESI contracts rescue then contact the friendly staff at Intuitive Training. Call 1300 800 558 or (07) 2800 6400 or send us a message from our contact page and we can further discuss enrolling you in our electrical courses

Name Date Time Location Available Spaces Cost
Initial NSW ESI Training 20 & 21 February 2025 07:00 am – 04:30 pm Intuitive Training Loganholme 9 $0.00
Initial NSW ESI Training 27 & 28 May 2025 07:00 am – 04:30 pm Intuitive Training Loganholme 5 $0.00

ESI Worker Renewal Course

ESI Worker Renewal Course

Course Currency Status: Current

CourseOverview: This ESI worker renewal course is designed for participants to mainatin the necessary skills and knowledge to work safely near ‘live’ electrical lines and equipment while constructing or perfoming maintinence works on communication cables attached to electricity supply industry structures

Target Audience: Existing workers in the ESI industry including safety observers / spotters, construction and maintenance workers required to work safely up to the defined safe approach distance near energised electrical apparatus (including electrical powerlines) as non electrical workers.

Entry Requirements/What to Bring: Participants must provide a USI number on enrolment, provide photographic identification on enrolment. Participants must provide and wear their own PPE for this course. This course contains safety critical information requiring participants have the ability to read, write and understand English and basic calculations

Prerequisites: Nil

Delivery Mode: This course may be delivered by face to face delivery or blended learning

Duration: 1 day

Units of Competency included:

  • UETDREL006 Working safely near live electrical apparatus as a non-electrical worker (NSW Only)
  • UETDRRF003 Perform pole top rescue
  • UETDRRF002 Perform EWP rescue
  • UETDRMP004 Perform elevated work platform controlled decent escape (optional)
  • UETDRMP010 Provide first aid in an ESI environment
  • HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Non Accredited Modules available upon request:

  • T0911 Introduction to Electrical Network Infrastructure for Authorised Persons
  • Pole Inspection for safe work
  • Ladder Handling

Learning Outcomes: At the completion of this unit of competency, you should be able to demonstrate:

  • Identify statutory acts and regulations and hazards associated with working or operating vehicles/plant, equipment and hand held tools near overhead power lines.
  • Identify ESI hardware and voltages used in the ESI environment.
  • Identify relevant clearances/ No Go Zones for various voltages found in the ESI environment.
  • Identify correct selection and understanding of clearance tables relevant to works being performed onsite.
  • Identify correct emergency procedures associated with working or operating vehicles/plant, equipment and hand held tools near overhead power lines.
  • Demonstrate CPR and apply a defibrillator, and perform a low voltage rescue.
  • Perform pole top rescue procedures to meet network owner requirements.
  • Perform a rescue of personnel from an EWP in the event of an accidenty or equipment failure.
  • Escape form an EWP in the event of an accident or equipment failure (Optional).
  • Provide first aid procedures relevant to treat injuries consistent with electricity supply industry procedures.

Assessment: Assessment is a combination of written questions/answers and practical demonstrations.

On Completion: Participants will be issued with a nationally accredited Statement of Attainment for up to six (6) units of competency listed above.

Cost: $425.00 per participant                   

Group bookings available on request Training Dates: Courses arrange on demand

Contact Us to Find Out More: If you are looking for or have gained employment that requires skills and knowledge to refresh your training requirements as an ESI worker then contact the friendly staff at Intuitive Training. Call 1300 800 558 or (07) 2800 6400 or send us a message from our contact page and we can further discuss enrolling you in our electrical courses

Name Date Time Location Available Spaces Cost
Public Refresher Training 13 February 2025 07:00 am – 02:30 pm Intuitive Training Loganholme 6 $0.00
Public Refresher Training 5 June 2025 07:00 am – 02:30 pm Intuitive Training Loganholme 5 $0.00

NBN New Worker Course

NBN New Worker Course 

Course Currency Status: Current 

Course Overview: This NBN New Worker course is designed for participants to achieve the necessary skills and knowledge to work safely near ‘live’ electrical lines and equipment while constructing or perfoming maintinence works on communication cables attached to electricity supply industry structures. 

Target Audience: New workers to the NBN network including safety observers / spotters, construction and maintenance workers required to work safely up to the defined safe approach distance near energised electrical apparatus (including electrical powerlines) as non electrical workers  

Entry Requirements/What to Bring: Participants must provide a USI number on enrolment and provide photographic identification on enrolment. Participants must provide and wear their own PPE for this course. This course contains safety critical information requiring participants have the ability to read, write and understand English and basic calculations
Prerequisites: Nil
Delivery Mode: This course may be delivered by face to face delivery or blended learning
Duration: Initial Training: 4 days

Accredited Units of Competency included:

  • UETDREL006 Working safely near live electrical apparatus as a non-electrical worker (NSW Only)
  • UETDRRF003 Perform pole top rescue
  • UETDRRF002 Perform EWP rescue
  • UETDRMP004 Perform elevated work platform controlled decent escape (optional)
  • UETDRMP010 Provide first aid in an ESI environment
  • HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Additional Non Accredited modules upon request:

  • T0911 Introduction to Electrical Network Infrastructure for Authorised Persons
  • Pole Inspection for safe work
  • Ladder Handling

Learning Outcomes: 

At the completion of this course, you should be able to: 

  • Identify statutory acts and regulations and hazards associated with working or operating vehicles/plant, equipment and hand held tools near overhead power lines.
  • Identify ESI hardware and voltages used in the ESI environment.
  • Identify relevant clearances/ No Go Zones for various voltages found in the ESI environment.
  • Identify correct selection and understanding of clearance tables relevant to works being performed onsite.
  • Identify correct emergency procedures associated with working or operating vehicles/plant, equipment and hand held tools near overhead power lines.
  • Demonstrate CPR and apply a defibrillator, and perform a low voltage rescue.
  • Perform pole top rescue procedures to meet network owner requirements.
  • Perform a rescue of personnel from an EWP in the event of an accidenty or equipment failure
  • Escape from an EWP in the event of an accident or equipment failure (Optional)
  • Provide first aid procedures relevant to treat injuries consistent with electricity supply industry procedures
  • Evaluate and confirm that the assett to be climbed (the pole) is in sound condition and safe to climb
  • Inspect, carry and erect a ladder in alignment with network owner requirements 

Assessment: is conducted via a combination of written questions/answers and practical demonstrations.

On Completion: Participants will be issued with a nationally accredited Statement of Attainment for up to six (6) units of competency listed above and a Statement of Attanendance for Safe to Climb and Ladder Handling 

Cost: $850.00 per person 

Training Dates: Courses arranged on demand. 

Contact Us to Find Out More: If you are looking for or have gained employment that requires skills and knowledge to perform NBN Works then contact the friendly staff at Intuitive Training. Call 1300 800 558 or (07) 2800 6400 or send us a message from our contact page and we can further discuss enrolling you in our electrical course

NBN Worker Renewal Course

NBN Worker Renewal Course

Course Currency Status: Current

Overview: This NBN worker renewal course is designed for participants to mainatin the necessary skills and knowledge to work safely near ‘live’ electrical lines and equipment while constructing or perfoming maintinence works on communication cables attached to electricity supply industry structures.

Target Audience: Exisiting workers to the NBN network including safety observers / spotters, construction and maintenance workers required to work safely up to the defined safe approach distance near energised electrical apparatus (including electrical powerlines) as non electrical workers
Entry Requirements/What to Bring: Participants must provide a USI number on enrolment, provide photographic identification on enrolment. Participants must provide and wear their own PPE for this course. This course contains safety critical information requiring participants have the ability to read, write and understand English and basic calculations
Prerequisites: Nil
Delivery Mode: This course may be delivered by face to face delivery or blended learning
Duration: 1 Day 
Units of Competency included:
  • UETDREL006 Working safely near live electrical apparatus as a non-electrical worker (NSW Only)
  • UETDRRF003 Perform pole top rescue
  • UETDRRF002 Perform EWP rescue
  • UETDRMP004 Perform elevated work platform controlled decent escape (optional)
  • UETDRMP010 Provide first aid in an ESI environment
  • HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Non Accredited Modules available upon request:

  • T0911 Introduction to Electrical Network Infrastructure for Authorised Persons
  • Pole Inspection for safe work
  • Ladder Handling

Learning Outcomes:

At the completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify statutory acts and regulations and hazards associated with working or operating vehicles/plant, equipment and hand held tools near overhead power lines.
  • Identify ESI hardware and voltages used in the ESI environment.
  • Identify relevant clearances/ No Go Zones for various voltages found in the ESI environment.
  • Identify correct selection and understanding of clearance tables relevant to works being performed onsite.
  • Identify correct emergency procedures associated with working or operating vehicles/plant, equipment and hand held tools near overhead power lines.
  • Demonstrate CPR and apply a defibrillator, and perform a low voltage rescue.
  • Perform pole top rescue procedures to meet network owner requirements.
  • Perform a rescue of personnel from an EWP in the event of an accidenty or equipment failure
  • Escape form an EWP in the event of an accident or equipment failure (Optional).
  • Provide first aid procedures relevant to treat injuries consistent with electricity supply industry procedures
  • Evaluate and confirm that the assett to be climbed (the pole) is in sound condition and safe to climb
  • Inspect, carry and erect a ladder in alignment with network owner requirements

Assessment: is conducted via a combination of written questions/answers and practical demonstrations.

On Completion: Participants will be issued with a nationally accredited Statement of Attainment for up to six (6) units of competency listed above and a Statement of Attanendance for Safe to Climb and Ladder Handling

Cost: $425.00 per participant                    

Group bookings available on request Training Dates: Courses arranged on demand

Contact Us to Find Out More: If you are looking for or have gained employment that requires skills and knowledge to perform NBN Works then contact the friendly staff at Intuitive Training. Call 1300 800 558 or (07) 2800 6400 or send us a message from our contact page and we can further discuss enrolling you in our electrical course

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(07) 2800 6400

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